Brother HL-1030 QuickStart on CentOS
The Linux Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Download and Install Brother HL-1030 CentOS Driver and QuickStart Scanning.
Most noteworthy: the Brother HL-1030 Driver Installation Procedure is Simple and require only the execution of some Basic Shell’s Commands.

Download the Brother Printer Driver Installer for Linux:
Double-Click on Archive Extract into /tmp
Or from Command Line:
gunzip -c $HOME/Downloads/linux-brprinter-installer*.gz > /tmp/linux-brprinter-installer
Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands) -
Give Execution Permission
cd /tmp
sudo su
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then Look: Solution
chmod +x linux-brprinter-installer*
Installing Brother Printer Drivers
When Prompted Insert ‘HL-1030’ as Brother Printer Model!
Then the Installer will Provide Automatically to Download and Install the Printer and eventually also the Scanner Drivers…
When Prompted about a Device URI:- For a USB Connection Simply Enter “n”!
For a Network Shared Connection Setup Go to:
Select the Printer
Select “Modify Printer”
Enter Your sudo User Name & Pass
Select the Protocol and Continue…
For Help see Instructions on:http://localhost:631/help/network.html
Last to Achieve the SuperUser session: